Launched Dec 30, 2001

Last Updated: January 10, 12:22PM

Welcome to the all new and improved Useless Crap.
Things were gettin pretty cramped around here so we
decided to sport a much more user friendly style.
You'll still find the same fun and family excitement
of the old Useless Crap, but with a much nicer
package(heh....heh....). I hope you all enjoy
the new format and find it much easier to use.
And for you old-schoolers out there, the original
Useless Crap 1.0 is still available.

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Burn custom audio CDs with Acoustica MP3 CD Burner!

Thought/Quote/Moral of the week
Or so

"I bought my friend some gift-wrap
for Christmas. I took it to the
Gift Wrap Department and told them to wrap it,
but in a different print
so he would know when to stop unwrapping. "

More Quotes and stuff

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The Dark Side
A collection of poems and lyrics

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