Scientific Theories
..kind of

     I am a man of science. Yes, its true. Even though most of you know me as just a regular guy named Tim....and some of you may know me as Dudley the Lifeguard....and a select few of you might recognize me as the notorious nightclub owner, Johnny Wasabe.....and maybe one or two of you have seen me at my day job as a door to door Door Salesman...and...well the rest aren't important. What is important is that I have a love for the unexplained. Mysteries such as...Why do old people always have light blue hair in cartoons? or How come your left blinker never shuts off when you want it to? or even Why does cranberry sauce keep the shape of the can even after you pour it and cut it?
     I'm sure many of you are plagued by the same questions. Well, finally, there is a place to solve your problems, The Museum of Science. But since I cound't afford to send all my web visitors there, I jotted down some meaningless jibberish to explain the wonders of everyday life..such as, I wonder how many of you even bothered reading this paragraph?

Tungsten: At long last, the much anticipated story of Tungsten and its journey through the bacon filled jungles of Sri Lanka. Plus a brief explanation of what it is and what they really use it for. BUTWAITTHERESMORE!! Provides an in depth account of what they didn't tell the public about Vietnam

Coming Soon

The Answer that will piss every psychologist off: But it makes sooooo much sense.

The Meaning of Life: Thanks to Rich and his pet brain.

Grantham's 1st Law of Boredom: I haven't heard this yet but when I hear about it I'll tell you.