Useless Links

Since my site is pretty useless, I figured there must be other people out there who share my views and dreams. And, look what I found, living proof that some people have more time on their hands than I do....and that isn't always a bad thing.

Daily Fact I Learned From the TV:See, TV is educational.

Am I Hot or Not? The only thing that scares me more than the fact that someone had the idea to do this is the fact that more than 2.3 Million people agree with them.

Clowns are Evil: 'Nuff Said

How to Make a Boogie Bass Say Whatever You Want: This is really confusing but if any of you figure it out, the results are priceless

Crazy Drunk Guy: Audio Recordings guessed it...a Crazy Drunk Guy.

Emotion Eric: The guy I stole all those pictures from

Former Child Star Central: Its like a tabloid, except people don't have to know you read it.

God Hates Figs: Ever wonder why?

Index of Famous Monkeys: Almost as intriguing as the Former Child Star page

The Leonard Nimoy Should Eat More Salsa Foundation(LNSEMSF): Umm, yeah

Perpetual Bubble Wrap: Almost as good as the real thing, and just as time consuming

Squirrel Fishing: Not as sick and twisted as it sounds

The Third Nipple: Putting the 'ipple in Tripple Nipple

Sexual World Records: Something everyone should know and strive for

Thats all for now but I'm sure I'll find more