
Here's some cool pictures of things and people and stuff that goes on in my boring little town. Hope you enjoy them....

Some Pictures from My Rock Climbing Expedition last May

People losing their inhibitions in Washington DC.

See the amazing buff-ness of me, Miah and Ryan rock climbing.

What disgruntled Boy Scouts do in their free time.

Pictures I didn't take of people I don't go to school with. What will they think of next?

An in depth study of Camp Collier and the mayhem that goes on there.

Day on the Town

Another Day on the Town: The Sequel

Top 10 Captions for this picture:
10. "Is he cute?", "No"
9. "Does he like long walks on the beech?", "Yes. and candle-lit dinners."
8. Mike:"Achoo!!!"
7. Yeah...I had a real job this summer.
6. Is that beer in that cup?
5. If you didn't see it...don't ask.
3. OOO, Potato chips. Skit? what skit?
2. Look, over there. I think I can see my dignity running away
1. Cross-dressing, that sets a great example for Cub Scouts

Here's our little group from the Cannon trip. I'm so glad this pic came out good. We are, from the left: Justin, Me, Stacy(the only had to deal with us for 2 days, i feel your pain), Devin(we had him superimposed. His picture was taken in Utah), Jared, and Eric. Miah took the picture so I'll give him some credit.

All the people on the Bus to Washington DC. I had a lot of fun on this bus(wink wink, nudge nudge, eh?). If you weren't on the bus you don't get it anyway so don't ask.

More on the way....

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