Useless Crap


Stupid Quotes
  These are great

Pics of Me and My Friends
and some other people
who snuck in

Road Signs

Advice for your everyday life

The Random Thought Generator!
It's Finally done

The Tech-tionary
Ahh, this is the one they'll remember me for.

Scientific Theories my mind at least they are.

The Dark Side
A collection of poems and lyrics

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Sarah Morin
Our 1,000th Customer

August 27, 2001. 8:45PM

..and the "Most Unexplainable Thing I've Ever Seen" award goes to...

"I just hate it when they get stuck like that"

NEW!!! Not only do hobo's like my site, but now they are interactive. Go ahead, click around(hint: try the shoes, eyes, bucket, and trash can)'s amazing what you can do with some free time and a half hour java lesson. Have fun!

lefteye righteye shoes bucket trash
4 out of 5 hobos agree...Tim's web site is the best thing since sliced cheese.

My Happy Home

"If you roasted ants with a magnifying class when you were young, then you've come to the right place."

Welcome to my screwed up little corner of the internet. Here you will find absolutely nothing you are looking for. Unless, of course, you are from Townsend or Ashby Massachusetts. In that case you will actually understand the jokes, pictures, lists, and other useless crap found on this web page. So, if you are from Townsend or Ashby, come on in. If you are from somewhere else, especially Montana, go away.
That is all

Last Updated: December 17, 6:20PM

Clear the roads

Until I am legally allowed to drive

Update: 9-5-00, 8:58 PM.    The page is alive!!! This is all I have now but I'll be updating on a nightly basis so stick around.

Update: 9-6-00, 9:40 PM    Added the stupid quotes section and some cool pics. More is on the way.

Update: 9-7-00, 9:45 PM   Added some more stupid quotes and plenty of pics. Stick around

Update: 10-1-00 3:20 PM   Put in a guestbook(yippee skippy) and thats about it

Update: 12-25-00, 9:47 PM   MERRY CHRISTMAS!. I got a scanner from santa (kick ass) so there's gonna be a WHOLE lot more pics comin up soon. And I'm workin on that road sign thingy-do.

Update: 12-26-00, 2:51 PM   Finished part 1 of the road signs thing. Check it out cause its better than you.

Update: 2-6-01, 3:23 PM   Added pics from Summer Camp and Washington DC. More will be online by next week.

Update: 3-25-01 3:08 PM   I added some quotes and an advice section. I'm not telling you anymore when I do updates. You'll just have to figure that out on your own. So buh-bye for now.

Update: 5-16-01 8:00 PM   Ok, so I lied about the not telling you when I do updates thing. But this was cool so I just wanted to let y'all know that there are more pictures in my pictures section(no shit, why would I put them there) So look at them, laugh, cry, fudge your undies, I don't care.

Update: 10-9-01 9:45 PM   Yeah, so I don't do much of these update thingy's anymore. I just wanted to let everyone know about Where you can order Osama Bin Laden toilet paper. Profits go to September 11th relief charities. "Wipe out Bin Laden." Ta-ta now.

Be Happy

...and for all of you who don't like my site....

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NEW and improved with better questions!

Where are
you from:
Have you ever been spelunking?
Your thoughts on Twinkies....
Tim is boring, give me a better name
Theres gonna be a pretty cool quiz thing here but its dead so leave it alone

Thought/Quote/Moral of the week
Or so

"I was sad because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet. So I said, "Got any shoes you're not using?"

More Quotes and stuff
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