The Tech-tionary
Putting So-Cal slang to shame

Heres the deal, earlier this month(October) me and some of my friends decided that something needed to change. Namely...slang. It sucked, everything everybody's saying in our school was invented in LA 2 years ago. Its time for some East Side words. So thats what we did. Here is a complete list of all the slang we've come up with and I'm sure this won't be the end of it so stick around for more. Our only request...use it in your everyday vocabulary and try to make us famous. That is all.

Techtionary written by: Tim Dudley, Ben Farley, Tony Camara and Christian "Mole" St Cir

8-Balls:[noun, pl.]  Eyes
                    Ex: I'm gonna hit you in the 8-Balls.

Bank:[noun]  A preppy
                    Ex: Abercrombie and Fitch is so full of banks its pathetic.

Barstool:[noun]  A slut
                    Ex: Pepperell is full of Barstools

Beaver Dam:[noun, pl.]  A group of sluts
                    Ex: Whoa, check out that beaver dam over there.

Black Dog:[verb]  A cheap shot; to beat the shit out of someone
                    Ex: Don't talk about my momma or I'm gonna black dog you.

Blimpin:[verb]  Bullshitting
                    Ex: Dude, I know youre lying, don't be blimpin me now.

Bobcat:[noun]  A nasty/bitchy girl
                    Ex: Pepperell is full of bobcats.

Bojangles:[noun]  Balls; Testicles
                    Ex: Oww I got kicked in the bojangles!!

Border jumper:[noun]  A poser
                    Ex: All these border jumpers are tryin to copy our slang.

Border-jumpin' armadillo:[noun]  A kid who tries to be tough/A punk
                    Ex: Stupid border-jumpin' armadillo thinks he's the shit, but he's all talk.

Butterface:[noun]  A girl with a nice body and an ugly face
                    Ex: Look at that butterface over there.

Cajun:[noun]  An amazingly hot girl
                    Ex: Wow, your girlfriend is a mad cajun.

Comper:[noun]  A computer geek/nerd
                    Ex: There are so many compers in Office Tech.

Choofaz:[noun; pl]  Police
                    Ex: Damn Choofaz chased me into the woods again.

Crewcut:[noun]  A lesbian
                    Ex: Ellen is such a flaming crewcut.

Coleman:[noun]  Someone who makes an ass out of themself
                    Ex: Christian, you Coleman.

Doin' the Marvin Gaye:[verb phrase]  Gettin' it on
                    Ex: I was at this party last night with a hot chick, you know we were doin' the Marvin Gaye, it was all good.

Drop a Cosby:[verb]  Take a shit
                    Ex: I'll be right back, I gotta go drop a cosby.

Fish Mongler:[noun]  An old person
                    Ex: Christian's grandfather is a big scary fish mongler

Fluffernutter:[noun]  A really smelly fart
                    Ex: Oh my god, who just let out that fluffernutter!

Fluin':[verb]  Sharing something with everybody
                    Ex: Tony bought a pack of Jolly Ranchers, now he's fluin'.

Flytrap:[noun]  A really great party
                    Ex: I went to this flytrap last saturday, everybody was there.

Frappin:[verb]  Freaking out; Spazzin out
                    Ex: Calm down man, stop frappin.

Goat:[noun]  A psycho
                    Ex: All these goats are takin over the hospital.

Goobs:[noun, pl.]  Man boobs
                    Ex: That fat man over there has huge goobs.

Goonie:[noun]  A piece of food stuck in your teeth
                    Ex: Dude, you got a huge goonie right between your front teeth

Grapefruit:[noun]  A really short, really fat girl
                    Ex: Whoa, that grapefruit is pretty goofy lookin.

Greebo:[noun]  A skater; or someone who isn't normal
                    Ex: That kid with the nipple rings is such a greebo.

Jackhammer:[noun]  [see Barstool]

Jake:[verb]  To hit or stab
                    Ex: I'm gonna jake you in the eye if you don't shutup.

Jimmy:[noun]  A really skinny kid
                    Ex: Ben is a jimmy.

Lancaster:[noun]  A snobby person
                    Ex: That private school is full of Lancasters.

Lollipop bitch:[noun]  teenie bopper
                    Ex: Mandy Moore is the biggest Lollipop bitch I've ever seen.

Medula:[noun]  Ass
                    Ex: Check out the fine medula on her.

Mole:[noun]  Someone who smells
                    Ex: You are such a mole, I can smell you from here.

Molin':[verb]  Smelling up the room
                    Ex: Will you stop molin' and take a damn shower.

Mox:[verb]  To suck
                    Ex: I really mox at skateboarding.

Moxie:[adj]  Something that sucks
                    Ex: I had such a moxie day

Oil jew:[noun]  Someone who goes around scrounging for money
                    Ex: Those oil jews keep askin' me for a dollar

Pie it:[verb]  Shut up
                    Ex: Dude, pie it, you're making a fool out of yourself again.

Playground Fever:[verb]  Someone who is a pedophile
                    Ex: Christian has a bad case of playground fever.

Put-put:[noun]  A fat person
                    Ex: That put-put is huge

  Pl.Convoy of put-puts:
                    Ex: I saw a convoy of put-puts at the mall last night.

Rigger:[noun]  Someone who is quick or sly
                    Ex: That rigger cheated me out of five bucks again.

Rudolph:[noun]  A person with a lot of zits
                    Ex: Eww, that rudolph over there is disgusting.

Scone:[verb]  To piss off
                    Ex: Shutup, I'm gettin sconed.

She doesn't hold water:[sentence]  She's a slut
                    Ex: That chick over there, she doesn't hold water.

Skoge/Skoje:[noun]  A jock
                    Ex: That football player is such a skoge.

Skogin/Skojin:[verb]  Talking way too much about sports
                    Ex: Dammit, will you stop skogin? Nobody cares about Brett Favre.

Sloth:[noun]  A hobo; homeless person
                    Ex: There's some old sloth living down by the railroad tracks.

Shalako:[noun]  A nark
                    Ex: That friggin shalako got me caught skippin class again.

Snoobed:[verb]  Stoned; Fucked up
                    Ex: I had some shrooms and I was snoobed all night.

Squirrelly:[adjective]  Having bad b/o
                    Ex: Jesus, that kid is pretty squirrelly.

Stella:[noun]  A chick who is ghetto
                    Ex: Pepperell is full of stellas.

Tic-tac of the year:[noun]  Somebody with a tiny dick
                    Ex: He's gonna win the tic-tac of the year award.

Tim:[adj]  Cool or hip
                    Ex: Man, that kid is so tim.

Towel out:[verb]  To sell out
                    Ex: I just hate it when bands towel out, like Limp Bizkit

Toweler:[noun]  A sellout
                    Ex: Kid Rock is such a toweler

Webber:[noun]  Faggot; Homosexual
                    Ex: Damn, Boy George is the biggest webber I've ever met.

Webby:[adj]  Something that is gay
                    Ex: This party is pretty webby.

Weegee:[noun]  Wigger
                    Ex: Eminem is such a weegee.

Zeus's:[noun, pl.]  People in authority, such as cops, principals, etc.
                    Ex: Those friggin zeus's gave me another detention.