
Make movies of my fucked up thoughts
Don't you feel like a loser?
When you do it all alone
Can't get that fear out of your head
Seems like a game
Till you realize
That's your life
Not the life in your head
But the one that you just found lying dead
I'm going now, with nothing more to do
I go because I couldn't stand being there with you
But it's ok
I have my legend watching over me
Funny how you're dead
Maybe since I hated you, I'll meet the same end
When my society drowns in its spit
I will have already gone, not to see the last of it
Not to see myself be shattered by this corruption
One that we call life
It's raised us up so wrong
That all we can do while questioning is draw it out
Too long
Overlook the answers that weren't meant to be seen
That way you can keep your shallow mind serene