The Light(otherside)

And so I lie here in my bed
no blue skies here, feels so dead
The silence engulfs me in pain

The rhythm makes me come alive
The feeling helps me to survive
My bounaries no longer constrained

Tear it down
I close my eyes
And then I'm gone
I realize
Take my soul out for a ride
And dump me on the otherside

Let my inhibitions fall to the floor
Open my mind, I open the door
And let the brilliant light pour in

Light of sound and not of sight
Cast shadown on my endless night
And the revolutions begin


What I hear becomes what I feel
On a crash course trip through the surreal
Adrenaline rush causes pain to heal
Please put an end to my ordeal
Though motionless I start to fly
Caught in the midst of a natural high
Fly over the wall of my troubles and sigh
I look down from above on my life and ask why?
Why can't I..



On a quiet night
My demons came to me
They brought me to the light
They came to set me free
My demons call out to me
As I lie awake in bed
Demons from another world
Put thoughts into my head

Thoughts of laughter pass me by
Thoughts of hatred stick
I need to let them out
Before they make me sick

Fifteen years of raw emotion
Swallowed up inside my head
Feelings spewing forth onto paper
Energy chanelled through a ballpoint pen
My guardian angel is gone
Left me with my demons for dead
I need a way to reconcile
To see the light again

These silent nightmares
Midnight thoughts
Crystal clear in my head
But spoken, distraught

No one else can know my demons
No one knows the real me
My demons see though the eyes of a song
And song can set me free

Fifteen years of raw emotion
Swallowed up inside my head
Feelings spewing forth onto paper
Energy channeled through a ballpoint pen
My guardian demons have won
My angel has left me for dead
I've reconciled with my brainchild
I've seen the light again

On a quiet night
My demons came to me
Now I've seen through the light
Now I can be free

The Cold Water

Life is like a snowflake
Falling toward unfrozen water
Each one unique in its own special way
So tiny yet intricate and complex
It plunges and melts
Into the cold waters of society
Melting into uniformness
One like all and all the same

In the great land of choices, you only get two
But you choose to let others do the choosing for you
You can be like the others
With proud fathers and mothers
Or float like an outcast above the cold waters

When the snowflake drifts to the sea of Adolescence
We struggle to break free, burst into uniqueness
With your head filled with visions of fortune and fame
You don't notice that trying to be unique, we become all the same

Rise above it and fly
Wave your caste goodbye
Catch your snowflake from out of the sky

Omnicidal Tendencies

Suicide is pointless
What a stupid way to end it all
You do it because you feel so hurt
In the end only you will fall
To truly end your pain and depression
Break free from your long downtrodden cast
Let loose all your bottled aggression
Shes your ghosts of holiday's past
Its holding you down
This silent remorse
Throw back what they threw at you
Ten thousand times worse

What the world needs is an armageddon
All the stupid people, blackened and reddened
You think you can beat it?
You think you can win
Listen to your old friend Maynard
Hear him call out to you..."Learn to swim"

There's a comet in the sky
Inscribed with your name
It's falling awfully fast
This place will never be the same

I want to see it come down
See destruction come around
The bend
I want to bring it down
I want to watch the end


Thoughts are running through my mind
Forced to grow up before my time
I'm haunted by things that no one ever should see
Manifestations of what never should be

I was handed a gift somewhere along this bumpy road
What I do with my gift is beyond my control
Harboring secrets of heaven and hell
Eat away at me from behind the iron veil

A fleeting thought, lingering on
A fleeting glimpse, but now it has gone
I've learned so much on my trip
Down the long and winding road
But no soul can teach me how
To bear the burden of this heavy load

I am but a pawn in the eyes of creation
But I am my own king in my quest for salvation
The emotional turmoil that runs through my veins
Does not bleed on the outside, no cause for complaint

Inside of me monsters run rampant and wild
Thinking thoughts and concerns too mature for this child
I've been given a gift, why or when I don't know
The signs of my gift, on the outside, don't show



Poured my joy into a bottle
And cast it out to sea
Praying for a better day
When the bottle will drift back to me
Held prisoner on this giant roller coaster ride
Doomed to watch for eternity
A life of happiness pass me by
As I speed toward the end

..and it all boils down

Poured my life onto your table
In plain view to all
Mind wide open for you to judge
Arms wide open to break your fall
Recovered my bottle from within the ocean
and brought it back for you to see
I let you into my true emotion
I devoted myself to you

..and it all boils down

And it all boils down
And it all falls away
Down to a moment
Back to that day

Poured my blood into a vile
And offered it to you
A small sacrifice to pay
For all the shit you put me through
The bottle I adored so dear
Is shattered like needles through your eye
The only wish that came true, the one I most fear
The darkest wish I had, to die

Entropic Leech

I sat mesmerized as you fucked with my head
Picked away at my flesh while hopeless I bled
Traced it back to one unholy sin
One desperate night, got you under my skin

I sat beside you, hypnotized
Watching every ounce of innocence pour through your eyes
In my daze I failed to realize
The malevolant mind behind your cheap disguise

Now you're gone but you linger
Like a leech wrapped round my finger
Sucking my blood dry
Fucking up my life
Stuck here in my mind
How could I be so blind?
To hang on behind
And search for a love I could not find
How could someone so beautiful cause so much pain?
I can't see why, I cannot explain

From my strongest point to my one insecurity
A blood red stain on a sheet of white purity
One single night, one infidelity
Become a life of hell to me

I know that I'm chasing impossible dreams
I'm dancing with shadows, real as they seem
I wish that I may, I pray I might
Preconcieve now what I'll see in hindsight


You've been jaded
You've been hated
You've been down that road before

And I can relate, I can relate

Falling into depression
This silent transgression
No more oppression
It's time to take that road once more

But I can relate, I can relate

A chance to cut, a cry to cure
Your mind is at rest, your wrists not so pure
At the end of the road, you just can't handle
As you light your sixteenth candle

Calm down
Though peace is found, intentions are lost
Come down
It's not that bad, get off your cross

I can relate
I can relate
For your sins I'll compensate
I've been down that road as well

You're frustrated
Life's so overrated
The bandage is saturated
Follow the road to your hell


Searching, Dreaming
For some meaning
Inside you're screaming

Why aren't they leaving?
Why are you bleeding?

A chance to cut, a cry to cure
Your body at rest, your life is no more
Become but a picture, a face on the mantle
Next to your sixteenth candle

What have to done? To leave us in shambles
Tears douse the flame, on your sixteenth candle

It can't be the same
Your life is not a game
You never saw the light, behind your sixteen candles


I wish you
Could see things
Through my point of view, and
I think I'm falling out of touch

Late at night
I can't sleep
My mind runs
Through questions so deep, and
I think I think too much

It's over
It's gone now
Its over
But I cannot see how I
Let it all fall right through my hands

Don't look at me
Connections have severed, but
Still I, just don't understand

One Moment

One moment
I lay my head into my crossed arms
Darkness encloses me into a world of neverending possibilities
Where sound and sight converge into one lurking manifestation of the subconsious
Walls crumble outward into a boundless timeless abyss
No motion now
Excepting the pulsing unending beat of my heart
An eternal, internal drum
By which countless melodies escape

A solitary voice beckons me back
To reality
A voice without substance
A voice without a body to repress it
A solitary voice
Free to speak at will
Say what it really means
A solitary voice crying through the darkness to a million deaf mutes
Invalid ears who hear and agree
But the bear of acceptance
Ceases the synapse
That turns the ear to a mouth
A mouth with a voice
A voice that can reach millions more

Yet the voice remains unechoed
And dies against the backdrop of a blood red sunset
For only fear can silence the voices
And only fear can overtake the universe

It is through fear that we are raised
To be deaf mutes
Skipping broken records
Forever echoing the creed beaten deep into our souls
By mindless pawns
Controlled by the conspirators


Take up all my thoughts and beliefs
Build a temple from the mortar of my soul
A sanctuary to hide in relief
Close the doors to the rest of the world
Tell yourself what I say is right
Don't you question anything?
Do I keep you up at night?
You really think I know the way?

You expect me to take your hand
Open your eyes and guide you through
As if I've been to Eden
As if I'd be willing to take you to

You think I'm prophetic?
My friend, you're pathetic
I do this not for your elation
I do it for my own salvation
I wash my wounds with tears
Confront my hate with fear
Fire with fire, take the wheel and steer

Kidnap my mind
Memorize me
Rape my thoughts
Hypnotize me
Exploit my beliefs
Watch my lies bleed

Throw me on a pedestal
Praise me, love me, take me higher
Become a beacon unto you
Till my flames atop a funeral pyre
But when it all comes crashing down
Tumbling away to reveal a mortal
I will have no pity for you
Lying in ruin, what you thought was invincible
Dust slipping through your hands,
the foundation that held your spirit high

Take up my broken thoughts and beliefs
Put the pieces back together
And build yourself a shoulder to cry on